
【演講】5/12(二) 玉山學者五條堀孝博士-Opportunities and Challenges of Life Science and AI

YuShan Scholar Lecture Series—Ai in Life Science





時間Date:2024-05-14 Tue. 12:00~13:30 (11:30-12:00 The organizers provide lunch)

講題Topic: Opportunities and Challenges of Life Science and AI

講者Speaker: Prof. Takashi Gojobori (NCKU YuShan Scholar)


報名 Sign uphttps://reurl.cc/Wxq9ex

演講摘要 Abstract:

In recent years, the integration of life sciences and artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed rapidly, and its results have had a significant impact on fields such as medical care, biotechnology, and environmental protection. In this talk, I will explain the importance of AI in life science and AI, focusing on the latest trends.

The fusion of life science and AI is revolutionizing areas such as data analysis, pattern recognition, and modeling. AI technology can process complex data of biology and generate new knowledge.

AI is widely used in genetic analysis, disease diagnosis, and drug discovery: For example, early detection of diseases using deep learning algorithms and prediction of protein folding.

AI technology has accelerated the research of life sciences and paved the way for the development of new treatments and biotechnology. In addition, the analysis of large-scale life science data has made it possible to take innovative approaches in fields such as personalized medicine and disease prevention. 

There are also challenges to the integration of life science and AI. Data quality and ethical issues can be mentioned, but finding solutions to these challenges is essential for the progress of more effective life sciences.

In summary, the fusion of life science and artificial intelligence is bringing innovation to life science. It is expected that the development of both fields will be mutually promoted in the future, which will contribute to the improvement of human health and the environment.

